Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What are the black spots on peoples noses is it where hair grows or blackheads?

blackheadsWhat are the black spots on peoples noses is it where hair grows or blackheads?
It is Blackheads or enlaged pores full of oil and dirt. yuck....What are the black spots on peoples noses is it where hair grows or blackheads?
Blackheads. Cleanse your face with unboiled milk, gently rub a coarse cloth dipped in milk to remove the blackheads. Steam your face with herbs like lavender, lemon peel and mint leaves added to the water and let the skin soak up its goodness. Check out for more useful tips to control blackheads
It really depends on things, sometimes it's just skin discoloration or freckles, sometimes it's really noticeable pores, it could be and most likely is/are blackheads.
If u are referring to the tip of the nose then it's a common occurance in adults...mostly because it is the part most exposed to dirty conditions of the day and exfoliates the least( u don't wash the tip of ur nose very one does...we forget to...)but it does not cause blackheads..

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