Sunday, April 25, 2010


How can I take care of my blackheads at home? They aren't that bad they are just on my nose. I don't want to shell out the cash to get a facial. I have an event to go to in a few days and want to look fresh for it. Help!Blackheads?
just get a blackhead scrub lotionBlackheads?
a facial at a spa cost 80.00 - $100 for 1 facial, you can get 30 for less then the cost of 1 and it will clear up all those problems, It worked for my son and now my wife is using it just because it makes her skin feel so soft. It draws out all the toxins in you skin. Go to and go to problem skin masque
This should help. Rub oatmeal paste on face,leave it to dry for 15 minutes and scrub well before washing off with cold water. Check out for more useful tips to control blackheads.
You can buy the strips from the store or use wax on the nose. I always wax my nose atleast once a month. It really works great!
facials don't help at all for it... they say they do (of course - they want money) but i've had countless numbers of facials... they don't do squat for blackheads!
i just got rid of one a minute ago actually, the good ole finger method

but i like those strips that u just peel off

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