Friday, January 8, 2010

Whats a good way to get rid of blackheads quickley?

does popping them help or hurt?Whats a good way to get rid of blackheads quickley?
the biore nose strips. if the blackheads arent on your nose its ok you can use them anywhere lolWhats a good way to get rid of blackheads quickley?
popping makes it worse try to use Biore nose strip i think that wat they are called but it work very well
Beat white part of an egg. Add one teaspoon of honey and with a cotton swab, apply it on face. Keep it around half an hour and then scrub well and rinse with warm water. Check out for more useful tips to control blackheads.
use pore strips


avoid using creamy/greasy/thick products

use a gentle oil-free cleanser

to get rid of them:

exfoliate your face first, pat your face dry, soak a towl in warm water and press it towards your face for a while, dry your face, put a tissue on your fingertips (to avoid scratching your skin), and pop it! thats the safest way to pop a blackhead
You can use this new thing in the ';AcneFree'; line. It's orange and it's used for Blackheads and acne. It's in a tube.
Don't pop them this can cause them to stay open and. you can never get them to close. I have this problem. Try this, it actually works.

St. Ives Apricot scrub(for oily skin this works better) ,Biore Pore unclogging scrub.

If you want to try anything else make sure you use exfoliating products. It says exfoliating right on the front.

You will see an improvement within the first two washes.

Tip: Wash face with soap before and after you use any facial stuff.Leave exfoliant on for at least a minute.

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