Friday, January 8, 2010

What is the best way to get rid of blackheads?

Especially on the nose. I don't really have a lot of money to spend on expensive stuff so I was wondering if anybody had good home remedies or cheap solutions?

Thanks (:What is the best way to get rid of blackheads?
Trust me when I say that home remedies...

1) take effort

2) still require $$

3) can be very very frustrating seeing as they almost always never turn out perfect.

But there is a solution to your blackhead problem that doesn't require a lot of $$, is VERY easy, and gets rid of all (or nearly all) of your blackheads.

And this is also my solution. It's Biore pore blackhead removing pore strips. You can get these for about $15 from Wal-Mart, Shoppers Drug Mart, and almost all other drug stores. $15 may sound a little pricy, and I am about the CHEAPEST person out hey, if I buy 'em and am recommending them...they are totally worth every penny. One pack lasts me about 3 months.

Good Luck! ◕‿◕What is the best way to get rid of blackheads?
Bi-ore pore strips is the only VERY effective way that I've found to work. They dry like paper-mache on your nose, and you peel them off which causes the blackheads to pull out with the strip.

Scrubs aren't effective unless you use them everyday to twice a day, which is drying to your skin.

Don't squeeze the blackheads, it will cause pimples to sprout up everywhere.
Hi there,

A good trick that I was taught was to steam your face, it helps to open up and clear the pores.... wash your face first so your skin is clean, boil enough water to fill a bowl and throw in a few sprinkles of mixed herbs, then lay a towel over your head so that you and the bowl are covered and lean fowards so that the steam goes onto your face. Do this for about 10 minutes. Then rinse off with cold water.

I'd recommend this about once a week.

Hope that helps!! :)
Hi there,

A good trick that I was taught was to steam your face, it helps to open up and clear the pores.... wash your face first so your skin is clean, boil enough water to fill a bowl and throw in a few sprinkles of mixed herbs, then lay a towel over your head so that you and the bowl are covered and lean fowards so that the steam goes onto your face. Do this for about 10 minutes. Then rinse off with cold water.

I'd recommend this about once a week.

Hope that helps!! :)
An ideal mask that extracts dirt and oil from clogged pores can be made by using powdered orange peel and yogurt, it should be applied and when dry scrub with circular motion and wash with warm water. It opens up the clogged pores that cause acne and blackheads. Check out… for more useful tips to control blackheads.
black pepper and curd,take one tablespoon black pepper powder and add to it enough curd to make a thick on the infected area and let it dry,this is an effective cure for can get more information about blackheads by checking this link
I use salt water, helps open the pores and clears them up, plus smooths the skin. Just wash your face with warm water and put about, two spoon fulls of salt in it. The salt will open the pores and clean them. It usually takes a day or two for them to clear up.
aaww rnt u a doll ok fill a bowl or sink with hot water put your face over it thn put a towel over ur hed covering evrything.wash ur face first this will oopen pores after that squeeze em out nd put a mask on wash off nd pat dry ..hope this works for u it duz to me
I like using nose pore strips as they only cost about £2 for 3 strips and really make a difference. They grab every little blackhead.
I agree with the nose pore strips. Try them.

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