Friday, January 8, 2010

What is a good home remedy for zits and blackheads that actually work?

Squeeze your blackheads, then they won't turn into spots.What is a good home remedy for zits and blackheads that actually work?
proactivWhat is a good home remedy for zits and blackheads that actually work?
toothpaste does not work. it is too harsh for your skin and your skin will end up producing more oil. use applecider vinegar on your face twice a day after washing. also use a mild facewash twice a day and you should see improvement
You need a few things... A good sugar or salt body scrub, face wash, and toothpaste.

Take a shower... after you've been in there for a few minutes (with hot water, so your pores are open) use the salt/sugar scrub first ,wash off, and then use the face wash. Repeat before you go to bed, without the scrub.

What the hell is the toothpaste for?

There is a chemical in toothpaste that dries out skin. So if you have any really bad zits or anything put it on the spot, leave overnight, wash off in the morning.
i would recommend you to wet your face with hot water first and then with cold water, that might work

-good luck!
An ideal mask that extracts dirt and oil from clogged pores can be made by using orange peel and yogurt.It also opens up the clogged pores that cause acne and blackheads.Clay masks used regularly helps pull out trapped oil and dead skin.Check out for more useful tips to control blackheads.

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